Question: 1 / 190

In analyzing a spectrogram, observing high-amplitude energy near 2500 Hertz for /s/ and /sh/ suggests what about /s/?

/s/ is being produced too far back in the mouth

Observing high-amplitude energy near 2500 Hertz for the sounds /s/ and /sh/ in a spectrogram indicates that /s/ has been placed in a position where its frequency characteristics may overlap or shift towards higher frequencies typically associated with a more posterior articulation.

In typical production, /s/ is expected to have more energy concentrated at higher frequencies, and the presence of significant amplitude near 2500 Hz suggests that the tongue position for /s/ might be further back than where it is most effectively produced. A proper articulation of /s/ usually occurs toward the front of the mouth, which would correlate with higher frequency energy, particularly above 4000 Hz. However, if /s/ is shown to have energy concentrated around 2500 Hz, it implies an atypical articulation that may align more with a placement further back in the oral cavity than optimal, thus reducing the clarity of the sound and contributing to possible misarticulation.

This observation serves as a diagnostic indicator for clinicians, suggesting that adjustments in the positioning of the tongue during the production of /s/ might be necessary for achieving a clearer and more accurate articulation of the sound.

/s/ is being produced too far forward in the mouth

/sh/ is being produced too far back in the mouth

/sh/ is being produced too far forward in the mouth


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